Currying functions in JavaScript | JavaScript currying function example

Currying is converting a single function of  arguments into  functions with a single argument each. So you can say Currying is a way to reduce functions of more than one argument to functions of one argument.

Here in Currying function we also uses the property of closures because we access the variables outside the scope of a function.

Here is and example of doing two number addition in JavaScript with simple function :

No if you write this with currying function in JavaScript :

Here is another which can give you more clarity on Currying function in JavaScript.

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What is javascript?

Javascript supports object-oriented programming and procedural programming.It can be used to control web pages on the client side of the browser, server-side programs, and even mobile applications. Javascript is the case sensitive language.

var FirstName = "Saurabh";
var firstname = "saurabh";

Here FirstName and firstname both are different javascript variables.

This language is used commonly in combination with HTML, CSS, and AJAX.

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